Stay Competitive and level up your vocational skills with Lifelong Learning!
Max $1000 Course Subsidy Now Available
Swift advancements in technology have accelerated the digitalization for operations of organisations and corporations. Workforce need to keep up with the times and acquire new professional skills, as to adapt to this new global trend. To strengthen the support for alumni in lifelong learning, self-enhancement and to stay competitive, VTC has launched a series of short-term courses, enabling you to acquire hands-on skills and in-demand knowledge that would enrich your resume and enhance your employability.
To encourage continuous advancement, VTC continues to offer an incentive scheme to provide course fee subsidy for VTC Alumni to study designated lifelong learning short courses until 31 Aug 2024 . Eligible alumni can enjoy a 50% discount on the course fee for the designated courses, with a maximum subsidy of HK$1,000.