Vocational and professional education and training (VPET) has always been a key driver of manpower development in Hong Kong for meeting the needs of the ever-changing economy. VPET enables young people to acquire work skills for the future, applied knowledge in innovation and technology, and critical soft skills for career progression in the new digital age, with a view to achieving “masters of each trade”. As such, VPET plays a pivotal role in broadening the learning opportunities for young people and working adults as well as nurturing the requisite human capital for Hong Kong’s development. 職業專才教育(職專教育)一直是香港人力發展的主要動力,以滿足經濟不 斷變化所帶來的需求。職專教育讓年青人獲取未來所需的工作技能、應用創 新科技的知識,以及重要的軟技能,讓他們在這個新數碼時代中發展事業, 實現「行行出專才」。因此,職專教育在擴大年青人和在職人士的學習機會 和就業前景,以及培育必要的人力資源以支持香港的發展方面,發揮舉足輕 重的角色。 3
Over the past four decades, VTC has provided education and training to students with vocational oriented skills and knowledge that are demanded by the world of work and for further studies. VTC inspires, guides and transforms the lives of many alumni who are now having notable achievements in various realms. Let’s hear what the values of vocational education and training have meant to them. VTC一直致力提供職業導向教育及訓練,讓學生具備就業和進修所 需的專業技能與知識,至今已有四十年。VTC啟迪、引領和轉化無 數校友,促成他們在不同範疇並引以為傲的成就,在此,讓我們細 看職業專才教育對他們的價值和意義。 5
CHOI Yi Tak, Rosanna 蔡懿德 Co-founding Partner, CWCPA 華德會計師事務所聯合創始合夥人 I'm thankful to VTC for the education I got. I'm also delighted to see VTC strongly supporting accounting practitioners to pursue further education, so as to help them keep abreast of technological innovations, elevate the industry standard and drive digitalisation forward within the sector. The adoption of smart solutions, such as big data, artificial intelligence and digital management platforms, has helped practitioners to conduct accounting, financial, and auditing tasks a lot more efficiently. 感謝VTC的栽培,亦樂見VTC大力支援會計從業員持續進修,提升專業水平, 緊貼科技革新,推動行業數碼化,如應用大數據、人工智能及數碼化管理平 台,以便更有效率地處理會計、財務及審計工作。 SHUM Hau Tak, Daniel 岑厚德 Director, Kim Hung Construction & Engineering Co. Ltd. 健鴻建築工程有限公司董事 The VTC programme is well recognised within the industry and graduates are highly sought after by employers because they are equipped with multiple skills and expertise, including the applications of latest technologies such as smart building and building information model (BIM). In recent years, I’m also glad to see VTC actively cooperating with partners in mainland China, so as to provide students with internships and job placements up north, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and technologies. VTC課程在業內認受性很高,畢業生擁有多元技能和專業知識,並能支 援智能建築、建築資訊模型(BIM)等新科技的應用,受僱主歡迎。 近年,我亦樂見VTC積極與內地伙伴協作,支持學生到內地實習,促進 知識和技術交流。 7
NG Choi Wah, Terence 吳彩華 Chairman, Ching Lee Holdings Limited 正利控股有限公司主席 The construction industry has been working closely with VTC to train skillful talents and drive the industry development with new blood. IVE graduates always give me much confidence. They are serious practitioners and adopt a pragmatic attitude to work. They have garnered practical experiences and among those VTC graduates I hired, many of them show promising potential. 建造業界與VTC一直緊密合作,培訓人才,並為行業注入新 動力。IVE畢業生予我極大信心,他們工作態度認真、踏實, 有實務經驗,聘請的師弟師妹當中,也有不少是可造之材。 8
LAU Chelsia 劉家寶 Creative Director - Mobility Design, Ford Motor Company 福特汽車公司設計總監 Wholehearted thanks to all teachers and faculty members for their patience and dedication in providing an outstanding learning and training environment when I studied at LeeWai Lee Technical Institute. The education I received laid a strong foundation for my future career. Car design is highly challenging that combines art and creativity, I enjoy every aspect of this profession and I embrace this career with passion. 感激當年在李惠利工業學院的教職員耐心及無私貢獻,為我們提供優良 的學習及實習環境,並令我穩紮根基,發展理想。汽車設計是一門揉合 藝術與創意的專業,極富挑戰性,令我深深嚮往,亦因此成為我畢生投 入的事業。 9
Sr SHIU Wai Yee, Winnie 蕭慧儀測量師 Adjunct Professor, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 香港科技大學客座教授 The VTC programme has laid a sound foundation for pursuing my career as a professional land surveyor. At the beginning of the epidemic, I spearheaded a Geographic Information System mapping project within the Government for keeping citizens informed of the latest development of the epidemic and tracking of the COVID-19 transmission chains in the community. Thanks to VTC for offering diversified programmes for helping students to develop their talents and nurturing them to become professionals, who in turn making substantial contributions to the society. VTC課程為我的土地測量專業奠定基礎,疫情期間在政府內部推動以 地理信息系統科技,建立互動地圖儀表板,讓市民能夠在一站式的平 台上,一目瞭然最新疫情資訊,更協助追蹤病毒傳播鏈,充份應用專 業知識。我感謝VTC課程多元化,可協助學生啟發潛能,成就專才, 造福社會。 10
WONG Hon Fai 黃漢輝 Immediate Past Chair The Chartered Institute of Building (Hong Kong) 英國特許建造學會(香港)上任會長 (2020-22) Through the learning support from VTC in my early career journey and persisting my continuous study to enrich technical knowledge and expertise, with leveraging my professional experience, I successfully led my construction team to complete some iconic projects such as the Hong Kong Palace Museum, Hysan Place in Causeway Bay and SkyPlaza of Hong Kong International Airport, which has significant contribution for the construction industry of Hong Kong. As numbers of large-scale architecture and infrastructure construction projects will be launched in Hong Kong, I hope younger VTC students can seize this golden opportunity to acquire the knowledge of the forefront of technologies, put their talent to good use and join the construction industry while there is a promising career path for themselves, so as to pass on the driving force that helped build a better Hong Kong. 藉着VTC給我在事業起跑線上的學習支援,我堅持進修以增長知識及專 業技術,並運用專業經驗,成功帶領建築公司團隊完成香港故宮博物 館、銅鑼灣希慎廣埸、赤鱲角機場的航天廣場等具標誌性的項目,為建 築業界出一分力。未來本港將有更多大型建築及基建項目動工,期望年 輕VTC學生可把握黃金機會,加入建築行業發揮所長,開拓廣闊前路, 廣納新科技知識,將建設美好香港的力量承傳。 11
Ir LEE Chi Hong, Barry 李志康工程師 CEO, AEL 聯誼工程有限公司行政總裁 My education at VTC is an important stepping stone on my journey to becoming an engineer. It is also an important part of Hong Kong’s education system that paves diverse career paths for young people with different talents, aspirations and abilities. I’m excited to see VTC engineering programmes keeping abreast of the times with the inclusion of the latest technical knowledge, such as drones and big data, in a bid to enrich the programme contents and nurture competent workers for the industry. VTC課程是我成為工程師的一塊重要踏腳石,亦為不同志向和能力的 年輕人提供靈活多元的出路,是教育體系中重要一環。我亦樂見工程 學科課程與時並進,加入新科技知識,如無人機、大數據等,增潤學 習內容,為行業培育專才。 12
LO Wing Keung, David 盧永強 Founder 創辦人 LOMATTERS Design is a creative industry. Those interested in joining the industry should be prepared to diversify your skills in order to gain a competitive edge. The VTC programme encourages students to develop interdisciplinary, digital and diversified design skills that help groom VTC graduates for deeper, broader and more strategic design thinking, promoting innovation within the industry. 設計是創意產業,想入行便要為多元發展做準備,才能掌握優勢。VTC 課程提倡跨學科、數碼化及多元化發展,有助培養畢業生更深入、更廣 泛,並更具策略性的設計思維,推動創新。 13
YIP Tai Loi, Taylor 葉泰萊 Co-founder & Operations Director, Feva Works IT Education Centre 科域資訊教育中心共同創辦人及營運總監 My education at VTC has inspired me to devote myself to information technology education. Enrolling in a vocational education programme allows me to put my interest ahead of everything else and develop my career in the professional field of my choice. Because of that, I could achieve better academic results and take my career up a notch. I started my own business 20 years ago and survived major crises such as the financial tsunami and the COVID-19 pandemic. I still keep working hard to nurture talents for the information technology industry. VTC課程啟發我投身資訊科技教育。選擇職專教育這條路徑,讓我可以 興趣先行,發展自己喜歡的專業範疇,成績及事業發展更上一層樓。創 業廿載,經歷過金融風暴、疫情等挑戰,我仍然努力不懈,為資訊科技 行業培育人才。 Ir LO Tsz Yeung, Alvin 老子揚工程師 Associate Director - Engineering, CLP Group 中電源動集團聯席總監—工程 The VTC curriculum encourages innovation and experimentation, and it has inspired me to engage myself in the sector of environmental protection and energy conservation. I will continue to use my creative thinking and devote myself to the advocacy of sustainable designs in buildings and infrastructure, while accelerating the transformation towards zero carbon emission, and contributing my humble efforts to make Hong Kong a smart city. VTC課程鼓勵創新、嘗試,是我從事環保節能工作的啟蒙。我會繼續激發創新思維,致力提倡可 持續建築及基建設計,推動加快零碳轉型,為構建「智慧香港」出一分力。 e 15
Professor LEUNG Mei Yee, Kenneth 梁美儀教授 Chair Professor of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry & Acting Head of Department of Chemistry The City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學環境毒理及化學講座教授及 化學系署理系主任 VTC provides countless opportunities for field trips and internships so that students can practise what they learn. Throughout the programme, I was taught to take initiative to make knowledge and I developed a strong interest in environmental studies. This was truly the turning point of my life. Since then, I have been determined to launch a career in environmental research, and my works on marine pollution have earned me numerous accolades. I’m glad that I can contribute to the formulation of policies with my expertise, making the world a better place. VTC提供大量考察實習機會,實踐所學,培養我主動學習,並對環保 學科產生濃厚興趣,是我人生的轉捩點。從此我立志從事環保研 究,積極鑽研海洋污染屢獲殊榮,以專業知識為社會出謀獻策,造 福世界。 16
LUI Yuen Yuen 呂婉婉 Principal, HKCS Tin Heng Nursery School 香港基督教服務處天恒幼兒學校校長 Apart from imparting professional expertise, IVE also arranged practical placements where students’ knowledge and skills were put to the test. As time went by, I learned to cope with various challenges in the workplace effectively and I was also prompted to think about early childhood education reform. Consequently, I developed a creative integrated programme for young children by melding art and education. In recognition of my success, the Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence (CEATE) was bestowed upon me in 2012. 在IVE除了學到專業知識外,更透過學校安排的實習機會,得到不少磨 練機會,令我有效應對職場上的各種挑戰,亦推動我思考幼兒教育課 程的革新。過去,我揉合美術和教育,開發幼兒創意綜合課程,2012 年獲頒發行政長官卓越教學獎,獲得肯定。 17
NG Ping Hei 吳秉禧 Chief Dispenser, Queen Mary Hospital 瑪麗醫院總配藥員 As a Chief Dispenser, I strive to influence others with my spirit of continuous improvement. I coordinate with hospitals for internships so that younger VTC students can earn experience in real-life settings and brace themselves for their career in future. I hope to help train the next generations of dispensers who are professional and down-to-earth. 作為總配藥員,我將精益求精的精神推己及人,協調醫院實習計 劃,讓師弟妹體驗真正的工作環境,為未來就業作好準備,協助培 育專業實幹的新一代配藥員。 Dr FUNG Wai Tong, Torin 馮威棠博士 CEO, InnoAIbator Limited 香港優端合科有限公司創辦人及行政總裁 Under the wave of innovative technologies and re-industrialization, Hong Kong is seizing the opportunities arising from the massive development of our mother nation. VTC programmes help young people master knowledge across multiple technologies, improve the research culture and ecosystem, and help students launch their careers based in the Greater Bay Area. 在創新科技及再工業化浪潮帶領下,香港正把握國家發展機遇,VTC課程有 助年輕人掌握多元科技知識,改善科研環境,並協助學生以大灣區為基地, 開拓事業。 18
NG Tin Yun, Eric 吳天恩 Founder, Elmsland Creative Services Limited 川久保玲大戰山本耀司有限公司創辦人 Many younger VTC students are passionate about their professions. As the chairman of the VTC Design Alumni Association, I'm more than happy to give them guidance and help if they want. We have built an extensive professional network, so that we can provide chances for alumni to engage in business collaborations and gain media exposure. Our profound experiences within the industry will prove useful when alumni need any advice or suggestion. The Alumni Association also offers scholarships to VTC students in recognition of their outstanding performance, encouraging them to develop multiple abilities and give back to their alma mater and the society. 很多師弟妹心中有團火,作為VTC設計校友會主席,如果他們願意,我 很想好好栽培他們。透過我方人脈,為校友提供不同的合作機會和曝 光率;以行業經驗為有需要的校友提供建議。校友會亦設獎學金,肯 定同學的卓越表現,鼓勵他們作多元發展,回饋母校及社會。 19
成就專才 啟發創新 Skilling TalenT Sparking InnovaTion
CHAN On Yan 陳安欣 Principal, The Church of Christ in China Tuen Mun Church Kindergarten 中華基督教會屯門堂幼稚園校長 The VTC curriculum struck a balance between theory and practice. As the school forged close ties with various industries, I had many chances of practical placements. I was inspired to join the sector of early childhood education, fulfilling my dreams and achieving my aspiration. I will continue to uphold my belief of educating our next generations with love, patience and all my heart. VTC課程理論與實踐並重,加上院校與業界的緊密聯繫,讓我有豐富的 實習機會,啟發我投身幼兒教育工作,實踐理想和抱負。我會繼續秉承 春風化雨的信念,用心培育下一代。 CHAN Ka Man, Carmen 陳嘉敏 Chief Assistant Secretary, Transport and Logistics Bureau 運輸及物流局總助理秘書長 MSTI not only taught me nautical knowledge, but also gave me chances to meet and communicate with veteran sailors who encouraged me to start a seafaring career on ocean routes. I am the first woman in Hong Kong qualified as the captain of ocean-going vessels, living out my dreams. Nowadays, I no longer work on ships – I’m in charge of the development of port strategies and promoting sea-going training with my first-hand experiences. 入讀海事訓練學院,不但學習航海知識,亦有機會與前輩交流,鼓勵我投身遠洋航海事業,更成為香港首名女性考 獲遠洋輪船船長資格,邁向理想。現在我已「上岸」,專責港口策略發展工作,並以自身經驗推廣海事培訓。 23
FAN Kin Man, Eric 范健文 Technical Director, Udomain (2014-2022) 通域存網有限公司技術總監 When I studied at IVE, I was already exposed to issues related to information security and the protection of personal data and privacy. In fact, IVE has inspired me to develop my career in network security. In the era of ceaseless technological innovations, like everybody else, I must keep abreast of the times and upskill myself continuously, so as to safeguard network security with up-to-date expertise. I encourage younger IVE students to follow their dreams bravely and practise lifelong learning. Work hard to be the talents ready for the future. 在IVE就讀時,已關注資訊保安及對個人資料私隱的保障,啟發了我 在網絡安全領域的發展。在不斷推陳出新的科技世代,我亦是靠不 斷自我增值,以專業知識,守護網絡安全。我鼓勵師弟妹勇敢追 夢,持續進修,努力成為明日專才。 24
MAK Kam Kui 麥錦駒 Group Executive Chef, Nina Hospitality 如心酒店集團行政總廚 Honing one's skills at VTC is definitely a major milestone in any chef's career. In appreciation of the tireless efforts of my teachers, I wish to work hand in hand with VTC and pass on my cooking skills to the younger generations, while encouraging them to think globally and equip themselves with practical experiences. 在學院進修是廚藝事業的重要里程碑。為回饋導師的悉心栽培,我期望 與VTC攜手並肩,將廚藝承傳給年青一代,並鼓勵他們放眼世界,用實 戰經驗裝備自己。 25
Dr SHUEN Wai Ho, Timothy 孫偉豪博士 Research Manager & Senior Research Fellow, National Cancer Centre Singapore 新加坡國立癌症中心高級研究員及研究經理 I'm grateful to have VTC’s support on the road to learning. The VTC programme helped me build a solid foundation of knowledge and the Alistair Harvey Foundation Scholarship gave me a chance to further my studies in the UK, broadening my horizons. Without VTC, I could have never pursued a career in cancer research, leveraging my professional knowledge to help patients recover. 感恩學習路上有VTC的支持,不但替我打好知識基礎,獲頒發賀維雅 基金會獎學金,負笈英國升學深造,更令我擴闊視野,以致現在可在 科研領域繼續發展,專注癌症研究,以專業知識幫助病患重拾健康。 26
SIN Mei Yuk, Aries 冼美玉 Founder, Mode Creation Limited & Creative Director, MODEMENT MODE CREATION LIMITED創辦人、 時裝品牌MODEMENT創意總監 VTC encouraged me to experiment and explore my own practice freely. Its curriculum instilled the creative design thinking in me and made me who I am today. In recent years, I have incorporated human-centered elements in my fashion designs, caring for the society while refining my style. I will continue to unleash my creativity and let myself shine in the local and global fashion arenas. VTC課程讓我自由探索、實踐,培養創新設計思維,成就今日的我。近 年,我在服裝設計上注入「以人為本」的元素,追求時尚之餘亦關心社 會,我會繼續迸發創意,在本地以至國際時裝界發光發亮。 27
KWAN Ping Yuen, Dennis 關秉源 Co-founder & CTO, QBS System Limited 比斯系統有限公司共同創辦人及首席技術官 The VTC curriculum is creative and diverse, and it worked perfectly for me as I developed my interests and passions. My devotion to learning has earned me the Alistair Harvey Foundation Scholarship and a chance to study in the UK. My devotion to making knowledge has earned me recognition and an invitation to start my own business in Hong Kong. My devotion to work has helped expand my business globally as my career took off. VTC課程創新多元,配合我的興趣發展,「投入學習」讓我獲頒賀維雅基金 會獎學金負笈英國升學;「投入鑽研學問」讓我獲得賞識,被邀請回港創 業;「投入工作」協助公司發展全球業務,事業穩步發展。 KAN Chun Chit, Carson 簡振哲 Head of Design of a listed Medtech company 上市醫療科技公司設計負責人 The HKDI programme offers comprehensive content covering diverse knowledge and technologies – from visual display of product designs, prototyping techniques and the materials used, to interactive product technologies. I got inspired in major ways in terms of the application of technologies and design thinking. My education has prepared me for my job, and my innovative biomedical products that combine good designs and technologies have helped improve healthcare services and won numerous international design awards. HKDI課程內容全面,教授產品設計的視覺展示、模型物料及製造科 技,以及互動產品科技等知識和技術,在科技應用和設計思維上對我 啟發良多。過去,我結合設計與科技,設計多個創新醫療產品,提升 醫護服務,並獲多個國際設計獎項的肯定。 28
WONG Kit Lung, Simon 黃傑龍 Chairperson & Chief Executive Officer, LHGroup 叙福樓集團主席兼行政總裁 When I enrolled in the VTC Tao Miao Nurturing Scheme (Chinese Catering Management Programme), all my classmates were key players from the catering industry. Apart from gaining more knowledge on professional management skills within the F&B industry, I benefitted a lot from my broadened professional network. I also got inspired to operate restaurant businesses with creative thinking. 當年報讀VTC稻苗培植計劃,同窗都是飲食業精英,除了增潤餐飲業的 專業管理知識,最大得著是擴闊了人際網絡,啟發我以創新思維經營飲 食生意,深受裨益。 29
FUNG Yuen Ching, Aries 馮婉禎 Founder & Laboratory Manager, Quality Pro Test-Consult Limited 專業化驗有限公司創辦人及實驗室經理 The VTC programme for laboratory technicians focuses on practice and the lectures are engaging and interesting. My education at VTC enabled me to join the sector as a laboratory technician. After accumulating enough experiences in the workplace, I set up my own laboratory. I have hired several VTC graduates. They are familiar with laboratory operations and have a solid knowledge base. They are truly the elites who are hard to come by within the industry. VTC化驗課程著重實踐,上堂生動有趣,助我投身化驗專業,在職 場累積經驗後,更創立自己的化驗所,聘請不少員工均是VTC畢 業生,他們對實驗室操作比較熟練,知識基礎穩固,是行內不可多 得的專才。 30
LAU King Hong 劉敬康 Director & Founder, Ying Fung Maintenance Engineering Limited 盈豐維修工程有限公司董事及創辦人 I was enrolled in the VTCApprenticeship Scheme in electrical engineering. While taking courses on technical skills, I also gained valuable practical experiences at the same time. I was glad that I could acquire a professional skill and find a career path that suits myself. Better still, I got to start my own business that provides eco-friendly repair services, advocating the reduction of waste at source, minimising pollution of the environment and realising my dreams. 加入VTC學徒計劃修讀電機工程,在修讀專業技術課程的同時,汲取寶 貴實務經驗,讓我學到一門技能,並找到發展方向,更成功以環保維 修創一番事業,推動源頭減廢,有助減少環境污染,實踐理想。 31
CHAN Yui Chong 陳蕊莊 Gold medal winner of Wheelchair Fencing in Paralympic Games 殘疾人奧運會輪椅劍擊金牌得主 My choice to study at IVE gave me great flexibility in pursuing my dream in wheelchair fencing, where I could practise my fencing skills after school and during evenings. Passion and dedication that I learned during study and fencing training, have fueled my perseverance to strive for excellence. IVE課程給予我足夠空間兼顧學業和夢想。我在課餘時間參與輪椅劍 擊集訓,實踐從課堂及劍擊訓練鍛鍊出來的熱誠堅韌。這些歷練讓 我在運動場上,迸發激勵,爭取佳績。 32
YEUNG Ka Keung, Steven 楊嘉強 CEO & Founder, CityTone 城通科技創辦人及行政總裁 During the pandemic, I was involved in the research and development of smart robots for food delivery or security patrol. I also custom-made a 24/7 production environment monitoring system for a mask factory using technologies like cloud computing and the Internet of Things, not only to save energy, but also to improve efficiency. I’m happy that I got to apply what I’ve learned at IVE on my job. I will continue to work hard and contribute to the society with cutting-edge research. 疫情期間,我參與研發協助送餐或巡邏的智能機械人;又利用雲端及物 聯網等技術,為口罩廠房度身訂造全天候生產環境監控系統,既省電又 提高生產效率,讓我在IVE所學學以致用。我會繼續努力,以科研貢獻 社會。 33
KAN Ka Wai, Miracle 簡嘉慧 Chinese Medicine Phamacy Officer, Linking Herb and Acupuncture Limited 領健中醫醫療有限公司中藥房主管 IVE instructors strives to pass on the long-standing heritage of Chinese medicine, including teaching us to use a Chinese medicine scale, read ancient Chinese medical classics and identify herbal medicines. Their insistence inspired me to be a stickler of traditions, while incorporating new technologies to enable the Chinese medicine industry to make steady progress. 課堂上,IVE老師期望傳承中醫藥傳統,特意傳授戥秤的用法,並指 導研讀古籍、鑒別草藥,這份執著啟發我堅守傳統,並配合新科技, 令中醫行業可以穩步向前邁進。 34
CHONG Ping Sum, Sam 莊炳森 Assistant Director of Food and Beverage, NewWorld Millennium Hong Kong Hotel 千禧新世界酒店助理餐飲總監 I had a tradesman certificate and I switched career paths to be a sommelier. The VTC programme allows much freedom for self-exploration so that I could find my own passion. I was also fortunate to have acquired the necessary skills and have turned my interest into a career – I’m now the head sommelier of a hotel. I believe everyone can embark on the path of being a professional as long as you can discover your own talents. 從技工證書出身,再轉行成為侍酒師,VTC課程提供廣闊空間,讓我認 清、探索自己的興趣,獲得一技之長,再把興趣發展為事業,現在成為 酒店的首席品酒師。我相信只要好好發掘潛能,人人都可踏上職業專才 的康莊大道。 35
CHUNG Wai Lung, David 鍾慧龍 Co-founder & Creative Director 共同創辦人及創作總監 Animae Technologies Limited Diagnosed with dyslexia in childhood, I needed to depart from the traditional path to study for the Applied Learning (ApL) course, which enabled me to apply for the diploma courses of VTC. I got the chance to develop my interest and talent in computer games and animation, and won various competitions. Deeply encouraged by the recognitions, I started a company in multimedia design to make an impact with my abilities. 自小確診患有讀寫障礙,求學階段需另闢蹊徑。慶幸中學修讀的應用學 習課程,可與VTC的職業專才教育接軌,讓我可培養對電腦遊戲及動畫 的興趣及才能,以及多次憑作品獲獎,深受鼓舞而踏上創業之路,發揮 所長。 TANG Ka Ho, Jayson 鄧家濠 Executive Chinese Chef, JWMarriott Hotel Hong Kong 香港JW萬豪酒店中餐行政總廚 VTC instructors have taught me that diligence is the key to success. They also urged chefs to think from the diner’s point of view and make each dish with all your heart. The programme covers all the bases and familiarises me with the role played by everyone in a restaurant, in and out of the kitchen. This helped me performmy tasks better as a manager. I encourage all younger VTC students to work harder. You might as well be the next starred chef. VTC導師教懂我成功需苦幹,要以人為本,盡心製作每一道菜式。課程之全 面,亦讓我了解餐廳廚房內外的各個工作崗位,有助我擔任管理的角色。各 位師弟師妹努力,下一個摘星機會將屬於你。 37
TAM Hoi Kit, Ron 譚海杰 Co-Founder 共同創辦人 ClinicOne Long before the technology boom, I was already exposed to cloud technologies and acquired the related knowledge during the study of higher diploma programme at IVE. After I graduated, such exposure was proven useful as I developed a personal medical and health management platform using technologies such as cloud computing and big data analytics. The platform is now widely adopted by healthcare provider groups and medical doctors from private clinics. 早在科技熱潮前,我在IVE修讀高級文憑時,已接觸雲端技術,學習相 關知識,有助我畢業後,利用雲端系統和大數據等技術,成功開發個 人醫療健康管理平台,備受醫療集團及私家診所醫生採用。 38
LAM Ting Yuen, Issac 林庭源 Site Reliability Engineer 站務工程師 Google My education at IVE sparked my interest in information technology. I was also honoured to receive the Alistair Harvey Foundation Scholarship that realised my dream of studying abroad. In the UK, I was able to apply what I had learned at IVE when I conducted research on my undergrad thesis. Later on, I earned my MSc degree in computer science from the University of Oxford, opening doors to the whole world and kick-starting a thriving career. IVE啟發我對資訊科技的學習興趣,獲頒賀維雅基金會獎學金,讓我實 現留學夢想。在英國讀大學時,我將IVE所學活用於學士論文的研究 中,最後順利於牛津大學取得電腦科學理學碩士畢業,從此打開了通向 世界的大門,開拓理想事業。 39
WONG Yun Wa, Zero 黃潤華 Co-founder 共同創辦人 AESIR Learning knows no bounds. It’s not difficult for me to go back to school again at the age of 19, thanks to the help and support from my VTC teachers and classmates. I’m thrilled to discover my talent in programming and I have set up a company that specialises in educational technology and products.We use technologies like augmented reality and virtual reality to foster learning among students with special education needs, so that they can live up to their full potential. 學海無涯,19歲才重拾書本無難度,全因在VTC獲老師和同學的幫 助,讓我發掘自己在編程方面的天份,現在開設教育科技產品公司, 以擴增實境(AR)、虛擬實境(VR)等科技協助有特殊教育需要的學 生學習,一展所長。 CHENG Chun Hin, Roy 鄭俊軒 Founder 創辦人 Athlete Hub After retiring from dragon boat racing, I went back to school. I started with a diploma programme at VTC, followed by a higher diploma, and finally acquiring a bachelor's degree at THEi. VTC helped me to turn my dream into reality so that I could utilise my professional expertise to set up a sports therapy centre, providing support to active and retired athletes. 從龍舟運動退役後,我重返校園,在VTC由基礎文憑開始,再完成高級文憑 及THEi高科院的學士課程,是VTC讓我實踐理想,以專業知識創立運動治療 中心,支援現役及退役運動員。 40
CHOI Yiu Hei, Harry 蔡曜禧 Undergraduate at Swansea University, UK 英國史雲斯大學本科生 IVE programmes always include practical placements and internships, so that students can earn working experiences in real-life workplaces. Studying at IVE further boosted my interest and knowledge in aeronautical engineering. I’m thankful that I was granted the Alistair Harvey Foundation Scholarship for my study abroad – truly a dream come true. I wish to join the aeronautical engineering industry in future, contributing to human explorations of the universe. IVE提供實習機會,從現實工作環境中汲取實際工作經驗,進一步加強 我對航空機械的認識和興趣。獲頒賀維雅基金會獎學金,更成就我海外 升學的夢想,期望將來投身航天工程,為人類探索宇宙作出貢獻。 41
LIU Shing Kai, Alvin 廖成鍇 Product Designer 產品設計師 HKDI emphasises both the importance of theories and hands-on practice. By completing assignments of various natures of design, students acquired the design thinking, and discovered our value on the path of the design career. Besides, I am collaborating with 'Hatch Creativity Scheme' jointly initiated by VTC and HKYIC, and my product 'Yuen Sek' will become the first commercialised project under the Scheme. I am grateful for the recognition and support from VTC and HKYIC that are encouraging us to pursue our dream. In the future, I wish to support the underprivileged by inclusive designs, to facilitate their integration into the society. HKDI理論與實踐並重,透過讓學生設計不同範疇的作品,學習到設計 思維,並從中找到自己在設計路上的價值。另外,VTC與香港青年工業 家協會(HKYIC)攜手啟動「讓創意飛伙伴計劃」,我的作品《原石》成為 首個商品化項目,對此我衷心感謝V T C與H K Y I C的認可與支 持,鼓勵我們追尋夢想。未來我希望透過包容性設計幫助社會中有需 要的人群,令他們都能夠融入社會。 42
KOO Yui Sun, Zachariel 顧叡紳 Undergraduate at University of Surrey, UK 英國薩里大學本科生 I’ve been passionate about soccer since I was young. My education at VTC helped me equip myself with all-round skills and discover my strengths other than soccer. I was awarded The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships – Vocational Education Scholarship (for Degree Study Overseas) and I am currently pursuing further education in the UK. I wish I can make good use of my expertise in future to organise large-scale sporting events, turning my interest into a profession. 自少熱愛足球,VTC讓我全方位裝備自己,發掘足球以外的專長,更獲 頒發香港賽馬會獎學金 - 職業教育獎學金 (海外學位課程),正留學英國 升讀大學。冀未來以專業知識協助籌辦大型運動競技活動,寓興趣於專 業發展。 CHEUNG Ho Sam, Hosea 張浩森 Undergraduate at Oxford Brookes University, UK 英國牛津布魯克斯大學本科生 The VTC programme adopts a project-based learning approach. Not only does it enrich my professional knowledge and skills in architectural design context, but also allows me to apply what I’ve learned in practical terms. I’m glad to have found a learning mode that suited myself, and brought out my talents and full potential. My outstanding academic results were recognised by Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme, making it possible for me to further my studies in the UK in pursuit of my dream, and embark on a journey towards being a professional architect. VTC課程採用專題研習,讓我鞏固建築設計的專業知識及技能,應用所學。 找到適合自己的學習模式,既可發揮潛能及專長,更因取得優秀成績,獲香 港卓越獎學金計劃的肯定,到英國升學,追尋夢想,向建築專才之路進發。 43
We RISE by LIFT ING oTh ers 扶掖 後進 突 破自 我 46
VTC Alumni 校友事務 Over the years, Alumni Advocates' tremendous support have helped unlock potential of many VTC students. In volunteering, you can contribute knowledge and expertise to inspire them to go more than they are today. What’s more? It is an excellent opportunity to take on a challenge, to bring satisfaction into life, and to derive happiness through seeing the progression of others, by just investing a little of your time. Interested? Be an Alumni Advocate now! Join us to lift your younger peers to reach higher and achieve more! 歷年來,VTC校友積極參與校友大使計劃, 貢獻專業知識,啟發學生潛能,進步成長。 選擇成為VTC校友大使,既可扶掖後進,獲得助人自助的滿足感,更可嚐試挑戰,突破自我。 立即加入校友大使行列,攜手扶助師弟妹! VTC Alumni Advocate VTC校友大使 47